The Felting Study Continues!

Remember to click on the image for a larger view - it's hard to see it in black and small!
Welcome to my world! This is where you can see my crafty projects and probably learn a little about me and my projects!
When I told these little ones that they were going on a trip to far off lands, they started jumping into the box! I told them to come back out so I could take a going away picture… Can you see them waving?
These precious fibers are off on their yarn swap journey… they’re hoping to find someone who appreciates them for who and what they are.
Whether functional, funky, fun or fanciful, they all hope to be transformed and loved!
So, off they were sent to the first person on our Yarn Swap List--- No peeking Darlene!
I could hear them giggling as the mail lady put them on the conveyer belt down the shoot at the post office! You would have thought they were on a sliding board!
Farewell sweet ones--- have fun in your new home and don’t forget to tell your new fiber friends how much fun traveling is! Send some of them my way, I’ll give them good homes, as you know!
If you are wondering what this is all about… The Knifty Knitter Looms Yahoo group is having a yarn swap… I’m the box coordinator for Box #4--- and this is the starter box! Let’s see if any of these darlings come back after going through 9 people!